Courses Offered for Master of Divinity Program (M.Div.)
M.Div. Course Requirements 30 (30 X 3=90 Credits)
I. Biblical Studies:
Old Testament
- BSOT 501 Introduction to the Old Testament (R) 3 Credits
- BSOT 502 Elementary Biblical Hebrew (E) 3 Credits
- BSOT 503 An Introduction to the Biblical History of Israel (R) 3 Credits
- BSOT 504 Pentateuch (R) 3 Credits
- BSOT 510 Understanding Poetical Books with special Emphasis to the Book of Psalms (E) 3 Credits
- BSOT 511 Understanding Wisdom Literature with special Emphasis to the Book of Proverbs (E) 3 Credits
- BSOT 514 Prophetical Movement (R) 3 Credits
Total (Required 4 Courses: 12 Credits; Elective 3 Courses: 9 Credits) 21 credits.
New Testament
- BSNT 501 Introduction to New Testament (R) 3 Credits
- BSNT 502 Elementary Biblical Greek (E) 3 Credits
- BSNT 503 Synoptic Gospels (R) 3 Credits
- BSNT 507 Johannine Thought (R) 3 Credits
- BSNT 512 Pauline Thoughts with special Reference to the Letter of Romans (R) 3 Credits
- BSNT 517 General Epistles with special reference to Letters of Peter (E) 3 Credits
- BS 500 Writings and Apocalyptic Literature (with special emphasis to Daniel and Revelation) (E) 3 Credits
Total (Required 4 Courses: 12 Credits; Elective 3 Courses: Credits= 9) 21 credits
II. Theology and Ethics
- TE 501 Basic Christian Doctrines (R) 3 Credits
- TE 504 Person and Work of Jesus Christ (E) 3 Credits
- TE 510 Introduction to Christian Ethics (R) 3 Credits
- TE 512 Biblical Hermeneutics (E) 3 Credits
Total (Required 2 Courses: 6 Credits; Elective 2 Courses: 6 Credits) 12 credits.
III. History of Christianity
- HC 501 Introduction to History of Christianity (R) 3 Credits
- HC 502 History of Modern Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. (R) 3 Credits
- HC 511 History of Christianity in America and Europe (E) 3 Credits
- HC 512 History of Christianity in Asia and Africa (E) 3 credits
Total (Required 2 Courses: 6 Credits; Elective 2 Courses: 6 Credits) 12 credits.
IV. World Religions and Missions
- RM 501 Theology of Christian Mission (E) 3 Credits
- RM 502 Understanding Major World Religions (R) 3 Credits
- RM 504 Introduction to Evangelism and Church Growth (R) 3 Credits
- RM 505 Acts of the Apostles: A Mission Perspective (E) 3 Credits
- RM 511 Multicultural Competence in Christian Mission (E) 3 Credits
- RM.513 Understanding Christology from a Missional Perspective to Islam (E) 3 Credits
Total (Required 2 Courses: 6 Credits; Elective 4 Courses: 12 Credits) 18 credits.
V. Christian Ministry
- CM 501 Introduction to Preaching (R) 3 Credits
- CM 502 Advanced Homiletics with special Emphasis to Expository Preaching (E) 3 Credits
- CM 503 Spiritual Formation in Christian Leadership (E) 3 Credits
- CM 505 Foundation to Christian Education (E) 3 Credits
- CM 509 Introduction to Communication & Technology in Christian Ministry (R) 3 Credits
- CM 510 Ethical Issues in Christian ministry/Counseling (E) 3 Credits
Total (Required 3 Courses: 9 Credits; Elective 3 Courses: 9 Credits) 18 credits
VI. Christian Counseling
- COUN 501 Biblical and Theological Foundation of Counseling (R) 3 Credits
- COUN 506 Counseling Skills (R) 3 Credits
- COUN 508 Understanding Counseling through stages of Human Growth (E) – 3 Credits
- COUN 511 Abnormal Human Behavior-Understanding Mental Health Disorders(E)- 3 Credits
- COUN 513 Marriage and Family Counseling – Biblical Perspective (E) 3 Credits
- COUN 514 Organizational Leadership in Ministry / Counseling (E) – 3 Credits
Total (Required 2 Courses: 6 Credits; Elective 4 Courses: 12 Credits) 18 credits.
Vll. General Studies
- GS 501 Writing Skills & Research Methodology (R) 3 Credits
- Ministry Practicum I (R) – 3 Credits.
- Ministry Practicum II (R) – 3 Credits.
- Students are required to review the practicum document to complete Practicum I & II.
- Students are required to submit a final reflection project which will be graded. The final grade will reflect students’ weekly meetings, discussions, and the final project paper.
- Students can choose to do their ministry practicum in respective churches, counseling centers, or Christian community service agencies in your locality.
- In addition to the HBS Practicum coordinator, students must select a local ministry supervisor to supervise their practicum activities.
- Students are required to complete Practicum I & II to graduate from the program they are enrolled in.
- Thesis (6 Credits – Optional). Students may choose two elective courses in place of thesis.
Total (Required 1 Course: Credits; Thesis 6 Credits) 9 credits
Number of Required Courses: 20 (60 Credits) + Ministry Practicum I & II (6 Credits).
Number of Elective courses: 21 (63 Credits)
Thesis (Optional) 6 Credits
Note: To complete the MDiv program, a student must complete 30 courses (30 X 3 = 90 Credits, including the electives). The Thesis is equivalent to two elective courses.
Thesis: (6 Credits – Optional)
Students interested in doing a thesis should submit a thesis topic and obtain approval from the concerned professor/mentor before they begin with the project. The Professor will discuss the topic with the Dean of Academics to receive the institutional approval. The concerned professor/mentor will inform the student about the approval. The student is required to submit the thesis proposal that includes a brief introduction/background, statement of problem, purpose statement, and minimum of five available resources/references. The student must submit the proposal to the Professor a minimum of three months prior to the start of the project.
You can find a Mentor either from your locality or a faculty from HBS. The Mentor should hold a terminal degree (Doctorate) or M. Th with minimum two years of teaching experiences. Students will be responsible for all expenses incurred for the project including the mentor’s fee and the HBS Course Fees. The word limit of a thesis is between 10,000 words to 15,000 words.
M.Div. List of Required and Elective Courses (Total 20 X 3 = 60 Credits)
I. Department of Biblical Studies
Old Testament Department
BSOT 503 History of the People of God (OT) (R) 3 credits
BSOT 504 Pentateuch I (R) 3 Credits
BSOT 510 Introduction to Poetical Books (with spl. Emphasis to any one book: Psalms /Proverbs/ Song of Songs / Lamentations, etc…) (E) 3 credits
BSOT 511 Introduction to Wisdom Literature (E) 3 Credits
BSOT 514 Vision & Mission of the Prophets / Prophetic Movement (R) 3 Credits
Department Total (Required 3 courses: Credits= 9; Elective 2 courses : Credits= 6) 15 credits
New Testament Department
BSNT 501 Introduction to New Testament (E) 3 Credits
BSNT 503 Synoptic Gospels (R) 3 Credits
BSNT 507 Johannine Thought (R) 3 Credits
BSNT 512 Pauline Thoughts (R) 3 Credits
Department Total (Required 3 courses: Credits= 9; Elective 1 course : Credits= 3) 12 credits
II. Department of Theology and Ethics
TE 502 Basic Christian Doctrines (R) 3 Credits
TE 504 Person and Work of Jesus Christ (R) 3 Credits
TE 510 Introduction to Christian Ethics (R) 3 Credits
Department Total (Required 3 courses: Credits= 9) 9 credits
III. Department of History of Christianity
HC 501 Introduction to History of Christianity (R) 3 Credits
HC 502 History of Modern Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. (R) 3 Credits
HC 512 History of Christianity in Asia with special reference to India (E) 3 credits
Department Total (Required 2 courses: Credits= 6; Elective 1 course: Credits= 3) 9 credits
IV. Department of World Religions and Missions
RM 502 Introduction to World Religions (R) 3 Credits
RM 503 Modern Religious and Secular Movements – (R) 3 Credits
RM 501 History and Theology of Christian Mission (R) 3 Credits
RM 504 Introduction to Christian Mission and Evangelism (E) 3 Credits
Department Total (Required 3 courses: Credits= 9; Elective 1 course: Credits= 3) 12 credits
V. Department of Christian Ministry
CM 501 Introduction to Worship & Preaching (R) 3 Credits
CM 509 Media & Communication in Christian Ministry (E) 3 Credits
Department Total (Required 1 course: Credits= 3; Elective 1 course: Credits= 3) 6 credits
VI. Department of Christian Counseling
COUN 504 Pastoral / Christian counseling: Skills & Techniques (R) 3 Credits
Department Total (Required 1 course: Credits= 3) 3 credits
Program Requirements:
Required subjects 17 X 3 = 51 Credits
Elective subjects 3 X 3 = 9 Credits.
M.Div Upgrading: Total courses: 20; Total Credits: 60
Elective courses are optional.
B.Th. Course Requirements (108 Credits)
Department of Biblical Studies
Dept. of Old Testament
1. BSOT 301 Introduction to the Old Testament (R) 3 Credits
2. BSOT 302 Elementary Hebrew (E) 3 Credits
3. BSOT 303 Introduction to the Pentateuch (R) 3 Credits
4. BSOT 304 History of Israel – (R) 3 credits
5. BSOT 305 Introduction to the Poetical Books (R) 3 credits
6. BSOT 306 Detailed study of Psalms (E) 3 Credits
7. BSOT 310 Introduction to Prophetic Books (R) 3 Credits
Total (R= 15; E= 6) 21 credits
Dept. of Old Testament
1. BSNT 301 Introduction to the New Testament (R) 3 Credits
2. BSNT 302 Elementary Greek (E) 3 Credits
3. BSNT 310 Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels (R) 3 Credits
4. BSNT 311 Gospel of John & Epistles (R) 3 Credits
5. BSNT 312 Introduction to the Pauline Theology (R) 3 Credits
6. BSNT 313 General Epistles (R) 3 Credits
7. BSNT 315 Mission and Letters of Peter (R) 3 Credits
8. BSNT 316 Introduction to the Bible Geography & Archeology(E) 3 Credits
9. BS 300 Writings and Apocalyptic Literature (with special emphasis to Daniel and
Revelation) (E) 3 Credits
Total (R= 18; E= 9) 27 credits
Department of Theology and Ethics
1. TE 301 Introduction to Christian Theology (R) 3 Credits
2. TE 302 Basic Christian Doctrines (R) 3 Credits
3. TE 303 Systematic Theology –Part l (E)
4. TE 304 Systematic Theology –Part ll (E)
5. TE 305 Introduction to Christian Ethics (R) 3 Credits
Total (R= 9; E= 6) 15 Credits
Department of World Religions and Society
1. RS 301 Introduction to World Religions (R) 3 Credits
2. RS 302 Contemporary Religious and Secular Movements (R) 3 Credits
3. RS 303 Introduction to Sociology (E) 3 Credits
Total (R= 6; E= 3) 9 Credits
Department of World Religions and Society
1. RS 301 Introduction to World Religions (R) 3 Credits
2. RS 302 Contemporary Religious and Secular Movements (R) 3 Credits
3. RS 303 Introduction to Sociology (E) 3 Credits
Total (R= 6; E= 3) 9 Credits
Department of Mission Studies
1. MS 301 Introduction to Christian Mission and Evangelism (R) 3 Credits
2. MS 302 Mission and Evangelism based on the Book of Acts (E) 3 Credits
3. MS 303 Biblical Basis of Mission (R) 3 Credits
Total (R= 6; E= 3) 9 Credits
Department of History of Christianity
1. HC 301 Introduction to History of Christianity (R) 3 Credits
2. HC 303 History of Modern Pentecostal and Charismatic Mov. (R) 3 Credits
Total (R= 6) 6 Credits
Department of Christian Ministry
1. CM 301 Introduction to Worship & Preaching (R) 3 Credits
2. CM 302 Advanced Homiletics with special emphasis to Expository Preaching) (E)3 Credits
3. CM 303 Christian Leadership (E) 3 Credits
4. CM 300 Pastoral Ministry & Church Administration (E) 3 Credits
5. CM 304 Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics (R) 3 Credits
6. CM 305 Introduction to Christian Education (R) 3 Credits
Total (R= 9, Elective=9) 18 Credits
Department of Christian Counseling
1. COUN 300 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling (R) 3 Credits
2. COUN 301 Biblical and Theological Foundation of Counselling (R) 3 Credits
3. COUN 302 Abnormal Human Behaviors (R) 3 Credits
4. COUN 303 Counselling Methods and Techniques (E) 3 Credits
5. COUN 304 Marriage and Family Counseling (E) 3 Credits
6. COUN 305 Addiction and Compulsive Behaviors (E) 3 Credits
Total (R = 9; E= 9) 18 Credits
Christian Counseling Program
Certificate in Christian Counseling
BSOT 501 Introduction to Old Testament 3 Credits
BSNT 501 Introduction to New Testament 3 Credits
COUN 501 Biblical and Theological Foundation of Counselling 3 Credits
COUN 502 Abnormal Human Behaviors 3 Credits
COUN 503 Counselling Methods and Techniques 3 Credits
COUN 511 Abnormal Human Behavior-Understanding Mental Health Disorders 3 Credits
COUN 512 Counseling Children & Adolescents 3 Credits
COUN 600 Marriage and Family Counseling (élective)3 Crédits
COUN 601 Addiction and Compulsive Behaviors 3 Crédits
Total (R = 24 Crédits ; E = 3) 27 Crédits
Students are requièred to take only 24 credits to reeceive the certificate .